So, you're saying to yourself right about now, "How is this Webcash feat performed?" A variety of online payment services have sprung up to make virtual payment a reality (no pun intended).
If you need to pay someone or someone needs to pay you all you need to know is their Webcash ID. If someone want to send you money through Webcash but you're not currently a member, no problem. You simply register (which is always free) and use it to start your own online shopping spree.
As you can see, buying and selling online no longer requires you to have a merchant account, which levels the playing field for home based businesses to accept online payments. Many electronic shopping carts are starting to implement Webcash as a payment option when checking out of online stores.
Now there's no excuse for not paying your debts on time. You may not be able to touch it, but believe me, "virtual money" is just as good as the real thing. Being paid electronically might not feel the same as someone placing "cold hard cash" in the palm of your hand, but it's still there: you just won't have to wash your hands as often.