Friday, January 25, 2008

i-Blurbs Cover 25 January 2008

This week i-Blurbs shout about .....

Sahaja Joga : Self Realisation Meditation

Sahaja Yoga is a unique method of meditation based on an experience called Self-Realisation (Kundalini Awakening) that can occur within each human being....

Webcash Electronic Payment Services: Money Still Exchanges Hands, Just Without Ever Touching a Palm

Buying and selling products or services online just got a whole lot easier. Using Webcash, you can pay for purchases and receive money owed to you without ever touching an actual green dollar bill. Of course, not touching it might take some of the fun out of getting paid, but it's still your money just the same. It's virtual money......

New Or Used Sports Equipment?

Everyone has a sport. Some people are into team sports, others are into individual sports. Each sport has its own rules and regulations, and each sport requires its own set of equipment. Whether it is football, basketball, tennis, or golf, you'll be required to invest in equipment that is particular to the sport.....

Take Care of Your Inner Beauty

Let us talk about beauty from a different angle!

We have our own criteria for judging the beauty of a woman. We look the beauty of a lady from a certain angle and then pass the remarks whether she is beautiful or not. It’s not fair. Let me tell every woman that she is unique and beautiful.....

Be back for more bluuurrrrrrbbbb!!

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